Your brand

Your choice


Understanding Insider's Insight


This is the first step that all clients will be required to take. There are many different ways to reach out, email, phone number, social media, or even the contact form at the top of the page. We respond to all inquiries fairly quickly. Once we have established what service is needed, we will reach out to you via the provided information and discuss what service is needed, how our services can best help you, what the timetable is, pricing, and further details.


Once we finish the contact portion, our team will be immediately dispatched at your service. Here at Insider's Insight there are flexible hours due to the different time zones. However, we get our work done in a timely manner. There will be weekly checkins with the client where we provide updates to showcase growth and bring onboard the opinion of our client. This is an important step as our team can know how to move forward. The client will also be added into our groupchat to ask any further questions and see the progress. This groupchat is made via GroupMe or iMessage.


In the event that there is something that you do not like or need improvement on, our team will have its own meetings to discuss how to solve the problem. We request 2 extra days in the event that a correction is needed. In most cases, we need 1 whole day or less. Depending on the correction, it may only be one person solving the problem or multiple team members. The correction does vary depending on the severity and often times there are no extra fees added.


At this stage, the work is complete and the client is given access to all files, templates, and information that we have used. Our team will continue to stay in touch with the client to provide any assistance in case any errors occur. Do not hesitate to reach out for anything! We treat all clients like family and there will be discounts when a client returns or refers someone.

Platform Architecture

Real World Examples

Blizzard Notify:

Blizzard Notify is a Discord based cookgroup that needed a website. The main purpose of this website is to showcase their features and allow people to join the server and eventually be able to purchase when the time is right. This website is one of our best designs that took 2 weeks to complete. The hardest part was finding a color scheme that the owners enjoyed. Overall, we used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make this masterpiece.

Sample Music Page:

This website has not been completed yet and is a prototype website. The purpose of this website is to serve as a chill zone. Music is a way of relaxation for many people and this website showcases that as well as the different genres of music. This website took less than 1 week to complete. This was simply designed using HTML and CSS.